I wish it didn’t, but it does; I wish it wasn’t, but it was
Hi Friends,
I posted this to my Facebook this morning at 5:30AM Central Time and wanted to post it more permanently here.
Thank you for reading.
I go to bed early on Thursday nights- I teach a class in like half an hour.
but now I’m up. and heartbroken. And mad. and just needing to say that 2 things can be true at once. Actually a lot of things can be true at once.
It’s true that police do amazing, crazy, difficult work. It’s true that their work is honorable. It’s true that they protect us. It’s true that they serve us. It’s true that they are truly great men and women who risk their lives every day. I cannot say how grateful I am to these men and women who do this job that I could never, ever do.
Yes and-
It’s true that people have been killed by police officers in horrible, terrible, despicable ways. Particularly Philando Castile and Alton Sterling this week. And we don’t need to research those men (though I have) and their backgrounds to know those were awful killings. And not the only ones. I do not stay silent on this. I believe this.
Both those things are true.
It’s true that this was a peaceful protest. By people who want change. People who deserve change. People who have been through things that I could not even fathom, I have so much privilege. I want change for those people.
Yes and-
It’s true that a shooter (shooters? Forgive me, I’ve been up for 20 minutes and just read the “highlights”) hijacked that peace out of hate that they feel is justified. Hate is not justified. Hate breeds hate. Hate kills. ALL types of hate kill ALL types of people. They have done something horrible, terrible, and despicable. I do not stand with them. They are wrong. Wrong in their thoughts, wrong in their actions.
Both those things are true.
It’s true that while I am against racism and white supremacy… I benefit from it. I have. And yes, I’ve worked hard, and my parents and grandparents worked hard, and I’ve gotten to where I am because of my merits. But I have had an easy life. And my race, the color of my skin has a part in that. I wish it didn’t, but it does. Our country, our country that is so great, was built up on the lie of white supremacy. I wish it wasn’t, but it was. YES AND our country was built on truths, ideals and values – equality, freedom, justice.
These events this week don’t show those values. But those values are true.
All those things are true. More than one thing can be true at once. You can mourn these police officers (whose names I will post once they are released) and Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. I am mourning all of them.
Blessed are those who mourn.
Blessed are the meek. (ah, can we please be meek!)
Blessed are the peacemakers.
we need peace. and not “put your head down, get over it, everything’s not so bad” kind of peace. Real peace that comes from understanding that God loves and values all life. And if you don’t believe in God, then the understanding that all human life is valuable.
I want better. Better for my country. Better for my DFW community. Better for my friends.